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Monday, 19 May 2014

May Design Series: International Furnishing Fair in Uk

Since 18th May is running in the ExCeL - London the 2nd. May Design Series: Uk International Furnishing Fair and it will be performing until tomorrow 20th May. 

The fair will bring a huge list of exhibitors of Lighting, Furnishing, Platform for design excellence (DX), Kitchen, Bathroom and Decor plus experts discussing about different topics on the Conversation Series Seminar Program like Retail Futures, Theatre Design, Retail Entertainment, Talking Colour, Smart Materials, Spaces at work and much more conferences.

Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide have been invited tomorrow to join such event and we couldn't be much grateful!

"Banc Double Spaghetti"

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Dear friends, Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide  are currently recruiting new, unique, creative and avant-garde artists to join our portfolio. So if you would like to promote your art by selling copies of your creations worldwide please contact to us and we will send you our Media Kit with the terms and conditions of working with us: We strive to find new artists from classic to modern concepts, who will embrace a new way of communicating with a global audience.

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