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Monday, 31 March 2014

¡Happy Birthday Eiffel Tower!

would like to congratulate the Eiffel Tower on its 

¡125th Birthday!

By Robert Delaunay

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¡Let us appreciate your work. Share your artwork by adding #Welldonepublishers after your twit!
Dear friends, Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide  are currently recruiting new, unique, creative and avant-garde artists to join our portfolio. So if you would like to promote your art by selling copies of your creations worldwide please contact to us and we will send you our Media Kit with the terms and conditions of working with us: We strive to find new artists from classic to modern concepts, who will embrace a new way of communicating with a global audience.

¡On line store is launching soon, so watch this space!

Sunday, 30 March 2014

¡Welldone Publishers Shop to be launched soon!

Dear friends, 

Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide  

are currently recruiting new, unique, creative and avant-garde artists to join our portfolio. So if you would like to promote your art by selling copies of your creations worldwide please contact to us and we will send you our Media Kit with the terms and conditions of working with us:

We strive to find new artists from classic to modern concepts, who will embrace a new way of communicating with a global audience.

 ¡On line store is launching soon, so watch this space!

¡Thank You!


Thursday, 27 March 2014

19th Future Everything Festival in Manchester

Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide is happy to announce the Future Everything Festival is back for its 19th edition in Manchester.

The venue will run from today 27th to 1st. April 2014 and it will held the presence of live-cinema, artwork, animation, illusions, City Fictions, exhibitions, cross-city eclectic range of assorted music or conferences of international design and creative technology with talks of industry experts.

 By Rich Pellegrino
"Doc Brown from Back to the Future"

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Dear friends, Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide  are currently recruiting new, unique, creative and avant-garde artists to join our portfolio. So if you would like to promote your art by selling copies of your creations worldwide please contact to us and we will send you our Media Kit with the terms and conditions of working with us: We strive to find new artists from classic to modern concepts, who will embrace a new way of communicating with a global audience.

¡On line store is launching soon, so watch this space!

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Mextropoli: 1st. International Architecture and City Festival in Mexico

Today 26th March is the last day of Mextropoli: 1st. International Architecture and City Festival in Mexico.

The venue has been shown since the 22nd March and has been launched by Arquine, a project focused on the development of the Architectonic Culture.

Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide would like to add the event has been represented by International Majors and ex-Majors, Architects, Artists, Writers or Photographers.


By Rocha Tombal

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¡Let us appreciate your work. Share your artwork by adding #Welldonepublishers after your twit!
Dear friends, Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide  are currently recruiting new, unique, creative and avant-garde artists to join our portfolio. So if you would like to promote your art by selling copies of your creations worldwide please contact to us and we will send you our Media Kit with the terms and conditions of working with us: We strive to find new artists from classic to modern concepts, who will embrace a new way of communicating with a global audience.

¡On line store is launching soon, so watch this space!

Artelesia Film Festival

The VII Edition of Artelesia Film Festival – Concorso internazionale del cinema sociale held in Telese, Benevento and Napoli (Italy) has ben running since 20th March and it will end by 29th. 

Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide has been following the social program of the cinema venue and would like to encourage all of you to keep an eye to their initiative in which social sensible issues as drug addiction, poverty, immigration discrimination or homophobia are being treated in the Festival.

By Dan Voinea

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¡Let us appreciate your work. Share your artwork by adding #Welldonepublishers after your twit!
Dear friends, Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide  are currently recruiting new, unique, creative and avant-garde artists to join our portfolio. So if you would like to promote your art by selling copies of your creations worldwide please contact to us and we will send you our Media Kit with the terms and conditions of working with us: We strive to find new artists from classic to modern concepts, who will embrace a new way of communicating with a global audience.

¡On line store is launching soon, so watch this space!

Forum Pulire in Milano

If you are a retailer, a manufacturer, a services provider or facility management company who works in the field of cleaning and sanitation Forum Pulire is your meeting point from today until the 27th.

The 2nd National Conference on Integrated Services is taking place in Milano held from MiCo - Milano Congressi (Italy). 

Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide is happy to add the expansion on specific topics involved in integrated services or the discussions about economy or policies will be part of the program for the industry professionals.


By Ge Feng

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¡Let us appreciate your work. Share your artwork by adding #Welldonepublishers after your twit!
Dear friends, Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide  are currently recruiting new, unique, creative and avant-garde artists to join our portfolio. So if you would like to promote your art by selling copies of your creations worldwide please contact to us and we will send you our Media Kit with the terms and conditions of working with us: We strive to find new artists from classic to modern concepts, who will embrace a new way of communicating with a global audience.

¡On line store is launching soon, so watch this space!

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

2nd. Colombian Film Festival in New York

From the Classic Tribeca Cinemas of New York it will be projected the 2nd. Colombian Film Festival today 25th until the 30th of March.

Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide would like to wish the best to the Film, the Documentaries or the Short Films that will be shot during the Festival.

The venue will show Colombian films and from those Countries in which Colombia have had representation.

 Graphic design by Marcelina Restrepo

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¡Let us appreciate your work. Share your artwork by adding #Welldonepublishers after your twit!
Dear friends, Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide  are currently recruiting new, unique, creative and avant-garde artists to join our portfolio. So if you would like to promote your art by selling copies of your creations worldwide please contact to us and we will send you our Media Kit with the terms and conditions of working with us: We strive to find new artists from classic to modern concepts, who will embrace a new way of communicating with a global audience.

¡On line store is launching soon, so watch this space!

XI Chamber Music Festival in La Habana, Cuba

From today 25th through 29th March the Basílica Menor del Convento de San Francisco de Asís of La Habana (Cuba) will held the XI Chamber Music Festival directed by the Master Mr. Frank Fernández. 

Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide is also happy to announce the San Francisco de Asís convent is presenting a permanent exhibition of Leonardo Da Vinci's machine reproductions and sketch hand made by expertise artisans.

By John Copley
"Chamber Music"

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Saturday, 22 March 2014

Planet Brazil Festival

Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide is excited to announce Guns N' Roses is going to perform its show at the 5th Planet Brazil Festival, Belo Horizonte, today 22nd March.

The festival aims to promote cultural activities, educative discussions and music venues.

So be ready to follow up Axl Rose, DJ Ashba, Dizzy Reed, Tommy Stinson, Richard Fortus, Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal, Chris Pitman, and Frank Ferrer in this South American festival.

By Laura Barbosa
"November Rain"

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Black Music Festival in Catalunya

Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide would like to advise you the 13th Black Music Festival in Catalunya is about to end today.

The event has been performed since the 1st March through today sponsored by Soul Spain.

Held between La Mirona de Salt, Girona Auditorium and Bescanó Theatre (Girona) the black music celebration has host stars like John Mayall (Blues) or the Big Sam's Funky Nation (New Orleans). This Jazz meeting point has also enjoyed with female Jazz voices as Andrea Motis, Eva Fernández y Magali Datzira.

Body Painting

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Beertown: Celebrating Malton’s Craft Beer Revival!

¡Rush up! 

¡Today is Malton's craft beer festival last day!

The event is being celebrated in The Milton Rooms, (Market Place) of Malton, North Yorkshire (Uk) since yesterday and is ending full of vivid and friendly experiences to talk about.

This craft beer venue is the first one held in Malton and in Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide we are delighted with this North Yorkshire Market town becoming a beacon for beer, representing Made in Malton breweries as Brass Castle or Bad Seed being well known from London to Bristol or beyond Scottland.

 By Juan Gris
"Playing cards and Glass of beer"

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Friday, 21 March 2014

Annual Salon du Livre - Book Fair in Paris

From today 21st March through 24th Paris (France) will held the Annual Salon du Livre - Book Fair. 

This literature meeting point honors one country's literature and new authors every year, helping the public to discover fresh and exciting qualified writing and writers. 

Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide is happy to add the same event will commemorate the centenary of the birth of Argentine writer Julio Cortazar.

By Jacob Lawrence
"The Library"

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Earth Wide Walk: 1st. Year!

Today 21st March 2014 is one year ago since the beginning of Earth Wide Walk project, Mr. Ignacio Dean's personal dream of walking around the world on the basis of giving his effort of making a better world and manifesting a message of love and respect for Nature.

In Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide we have been travelling with Nacho (Ignacio's friendly name) following his page in which he updates his experiences and pictures walking alone around the world.

Nacho, we wish you all the best, you are a motto for thousands of people who has lost their courage to be alive, just keep walking for your dreams and for the sake of Planet Earth's wealth!

 By Reb Frost
"Planet Earth"

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Thursday, 20 March 2014

¡Welcome Spring!

By Pablo Picasso

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Veronese: Magnificence in Renaissance Venice

The National Gallery (London) is performing until the 15th June 2014 an exhibition of 50 works of Paolo Caliari (1528–1588) of Verona (hence ‘Veronese’), one of the most renowned artists working in Venice in the 16th century and one of the leading artists in Europe. 

Veronese paintings have long influenced Rubens, Tiepolo, Watteau, Van Dyck or Delacroix and the opulence and the treatment of the color are part of his magnetism.

From Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide we can't wait to buy the tickets to enjoy such magnificent artistic and historic corpus.

By Paolo Veronese
"The wedding at Canaa"

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Hobbycrafts Show 2014!

Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide is happy to announce you the Hobbycrafts Show is about to start today until the 23rd March held in NEC of Birmingham (Uk).

This well received award-winning event is the best place for those who want to share the latest trends in the world of creativity from crafting supplies to inspiring workshops or crafting skills.

The fair will bring together celebrities of TV and print so do not miss out the Hobbycrafts Show 2014!

 By Tascha

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Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Country Living Spring Fair

One of our favorites magazines Country Living is celebrating its exhilarating Spring Fair from 19th March through 23rd March. 

The venue will be held at the Business Design Centre (London) and from Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide we can ensure you the good taste and the fresh inspiration for your home and garden can be taken for granted.

Independent designers, small producers, craftspeople, jewellery exhibitions, fashion collections, new furniture and fabrics, accessories or regional fare are delighted to enjoy with you the Spring Season start up!

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Nice morning at the Simon Lee Gallery

This morning in Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide we have been browsing around Mayfair (London) and we have popped into the prestigious Simon Lee Gallery in which from 11th February to 22nd March the acclaimed American Artist George Condo (1957, Concord, New Hampshire) is presenting his new exhibition HEADSPACE plenty of provocative and imaginative paintings. 

Condo's works have experimented with an assorted variety of styles and media during his career, from painting to drawing, print or sculpture.

We have taken few quick pictures just to share with you the audacious pictorial language of George Condo and we aim all of you to visit his exhibition before 22nd March.

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Tuesday, 18 March 2014

AMPER 2014: The Future of Technologies

The 22nd International Trade Fair of Electrotechnics, Electronics, Automation, Communication, Lighting and Security Technologies is about to start today until the 21st of March.

The venue will be held in the Brno Exhibition Centre (Czech Republic) and Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide is happy to explain to you the program.

The event will develop conferences and seminars, Golden Amper and Amper forum, performances exhibitors disciplines represented in individual halls and international participation, all focused on the future of technologies.

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TV Connect World: The World's Leading Event on Connected Entertainment

From today 18th through 20th March TV Connect London will be celebrating its 10th birthday in the Grand Hall, Olympia (London).

The event will bring fresh sponsors, new speakers, suggesting exhibitors, inspiring features and networking opportunities for the current year. 

Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide is aware of how this meeting point brings together international leaders as broadcasters, telcos, OTT players, cablecos, solution and content providers to debate about the future of TV entertainment. So do not miss out your opportunity to participate in this 83rd countries connected entertainment event!


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