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Friday, 21 March 2014

Earth Wide Walk: 1st. Year!

Today 21st March 2014 is one year ago since the beginning of Earth Wide Walk project, Mr. Ignacio Dean's personal dream of walking around the world on the basis of giving his effort of making a better world and manifesting a message of love and respect for Nature.

In Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards worldwide we have been travelling with Nacho (Ignacio's friendly name) following his page in which he updates his experiences and pictures walking alone around the world.

Nacho, we wish you all the best, you are a motto for thousands of people who has lost their courage to be alive, just keep walking for your dreams and for the sake of Planet Earth's wealth!

 By Reb Frost
"Planet Earth"

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  1. Thank you very much my dear friends for such a beautiful present, it's really a honour for me :) Love your words and your painting, love you! Warm regards and a tigh hug from Singapur.

  2. You are more than welcome, Nacho. We love you too!


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