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Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Talent: Lv Guangang


Lv Guangang

You can keep browsing our shop online to get the most affordable Wall Art for your home, office, Restaurant or Hotel:

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Talent: Raychael Stine


Friday, 24 October 2014

FAW "The Fashion & Art Weekend": Paris influenced by Art

Welcome back to The Fashion and Art Weekend!. The section written and directed by Silvia Moya , an expert fashion blogger, in exclusivity for Welldone Publishers: Art Prints & Greeting Cards Worldwide in which we investigate about the relationship between Fashion and Art. 

As we advised you few days ago, this section will share space with the during the pre - Christmas period and it will be delivered fortnight. 

If you would like to know more about this section and to enjoy reading both English and Spanish the latest articles please click on the links below

Today we are going to finish with our Catwalk-Art Pack: New York, London and Milan Fashion Weeks  Spring/Summer 2015 with Paris's and its amazing creations:

Paris Fashion Week influenced by Art by Silvia Moya  

Do you remember our article The Pre-Raphaelite influence in Fashion?

¿Recordáis nuestro artículo sobre los Pre-Rafaelitas y la influencia constante que tienen en el mundo de la moda?

If Valentino shown the influence in its latest Haute Couture collection, Dries Van Noten goes a step further focusing on the famous Ophelia, one of the most representative of this movement:

Si Valentino, en su última colección de Alta Costura dejó clara la influencia, Dries Van Noten da un paso más. El belga toma como inspiración el famoso cuadro Ophelia, uno de los más representativos de este arte, como eje central de su colección Primavera/Verano 2015.

Being inspired in such masterpiece could not bring anything less charming than a wonderful & feminine collection, playing with ethereal and melancholic natural touches and being very representative of the recent work of the Belgian designer.

Con una inspiración así, no podíamos esperar menos que una maravillosa colección femenina, etérea y con toques melancólicos y al mismo tiempo naturales, como viene acostumbrándonos ya el diseñador desde hace varias temporadas.

Although in my opinion, the surprise of the Paris Fashion Week came from Isabel Marant's suggestions. 

She use to pay attention on the commercial side of the industry mixing both Texan influence with her well known French's "savoir-faire". For the Paris the designer remains true to its commercial codes although finding inspiration in the Catalan artists Joan Miró and Antoni Tàpies for her prints.

As you can guess, the result is a rather abstract and colorful print:

La sorpresa, en mi opinión, de esta Paris Fashion Week, la ha dado Isabel Marant. Acostumbrados a ver colecciones comerciales llenas de guiños texanos pero con ese savoir-faire francés tan característico de la diseñadora, en esta ocasión, y aunque sigue siendo fiel a sus códigos comerciales, porque aquí de lo que se trata es de vender e Isabel conoce muy bien a su cliente final, encuentra inspiración para sus estampados en los artistas catalanes Joan Miró y Antoni Tàpies

Como se puede adivinar, el resultado es un estampado bastante abstracto y lleno de colorido:

Undercover, the label founded by the designer Jun Takahashi, found the perfect inspiration to print in its designs inside the El Museo del Prado (Madrid) with The Garden of Earthly Delights, a  masterpiece by Hieronymus Bosch. This jewel is the true representative of the whole collection.

En el Museo del Prado (Madrid / España), Undercover, encontró el cuadro perfecto para estampar en sus diseños. El Jardín de las Delicias del pintor renacentista holandés Hieronymus Bosch (El Bosco) es el auténtico protagonista de su colección.

Also in The Fashion and Art Weekend we discussed once about The Memphis group in our article When Fashion meets "The Memphis Group"

También hemos hablado, en otras ocasiones, del movimiento de los años 80 del grupo Memphis. De hecho, le dedicamos un merecido artículo individual en su momento.

The influence on The Memphis is so strong that we always have found a seasonal designer who makes them tribute. On this occasion, Andrew Gn has been that designer.

La influencia es tan fuerte que, todas las temporadas encontramos un diseñador, relativamente conocido, que hace uso de ella. En esta ocasión, el que se ha decidido por darle una vuelta de tornillo más a la tendencia es Andrew Gn

Although The Memphis are not his only one inspiration. Monet, and particularly Giverny, the city where the artist lived and painted many of his blockbuster "Water Lilies" (or Nymphéas) are sharing the limelight in the most arty collection of his career.

Aunque no sólo de Memphis trata su nueva colección. Monet, y en concreto, Giverny, la ciudad donde vivió y pintó gran parte de sus archiconocidas “Water Lilies” (o Nymphéas) comparten protagonismo en su colección más arty hasta la fecha.

Another label that use to delight us with the fusion between fashion and art are Akris. In their last recent work they were relying on worldwide famous artists, but in its Spring / Summer 2015 collection, they have focused on the Russian painter Kazimir Malevich, founder of Suprematism, one of the most important artistic movements of the twentieth century in Russia

Otra firma que nos tiene acostumbrados al deleite que otorga la fusión entre moda y arte es Akris. Últimamente se había decantado por artistas mundialmente conocidos, pero en su colección Primavera/Verano 2015, el elegido ha sido el pintor ruso Kazimir Malevich, creador del suprematismo, uno de los movimientos artísticos más importantes de la Rusia del siglo XX.

More than inspired in its color block, Akris borrows its geometric shapes to create designs. Simple shapes such as squares, crosses and / or single-colored circles represents a powerful total look.
Aunque más que inspirarse en el color block de esta vertiente, Akris toma prestados sus formas geométricas para formar sus diseños. Formas tan simples como cuadrados, cruces y/o círculos construyen total look monocolores de lo más ponibles.

And before finishing this Fashion Week Pack we have to mention the creations of the designer Iris Van Herper

With the help of the architect Phillip Beesley and the artist Jolan van der Wiel, she focuses on the work and the experience of both to show her particular idea of the industry, the cement, and ultimately, that magnetic field with which the universe is governed.  

A very conceptual idea with a futuristic results!

Y, para terminar con este repaso artístico por las últimas colecciones vistas en la Paris Fashion Week, no podemos dejar de mencionar a la siempre interesante Iris Van Herper. Con la ayuda del arquitecto Phillip Beesley y el artista Jólan van der Wiel, la diseñadora utiliza el trabajo y experiencia de ambos para mostrar su particular idea de la industria, el cemento, y en definitiva, el campo magnético por el que se rige el universo. Una idea muy conceptual con un resultado de lo más futurista!

You can keep browsing our Shop Online to get the most affordable Wall Art for your room, office, Restaurant or Hotel:

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Talent: Sarah Shaw


You can keep browsing our shop online to get the most affordable Wall Art for your home, office, Restaurant or Hotel:

R.I.P. Oscar de la Renta

Welldone Publishers would like to express our deep condolences to the family, close friends and those ones who cared about 

(1932 - 2014) 

Oscar de la Renta by Antonio Lopez

Monday, 20 October 2014

Quote Time: To die as marine

Jerry Jones

(40x30, 60x40, 60x84, 70x50)

Talent: Ram Samocha


Ram Samocha


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Friday, 17 October 2014

Christmas Cards Weekend: Welcome to our NEW Collection!

Welcome to the , the NEW temporary section delivered during the pre-Christmas period, sharing space with the .

Christmas is coming and with the Christmas Cards Weekend we pretend to talk about everything related to this magic and fabulous period of time, plenty of nice stories and historic references to share with all of you.

We started a few days ago talking about the history of the first Christmas Card ever sent, and today we want to introduce to all you our NEW Christmas Cards collection by LaVinetaFairy Tale, The Victorians & Classic range to be sold direct to Agents & Retailers.

Within a few days you will be able to enjoy with more Christmas Cards suggestions: Arty & London series.

So let's see a few examples of our NEW Christmas Cards range and please keep in touch with us for any enquiry, quotation, suggestion or comment!

With Love  x x




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