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Friday, 26 December 2014

FAW: Christmas & New Year's Eve Special


Welcome back to a new FAW, the Fashion and Art Weekend section in which we talk about the relationship between Fashion and Art. The articles are written and directed by Silvia Moya , an expert fashion blogger, in exclusivity for Welldone Publishers

Paris Fashion Week influenced by Art

Christmas and New Year's Eve Special by Welldone Publishers team @welldonepubli & Silvia Moya .

For this special time of year Welldone Publishers has dedicated the FAW to different topics related to the Christmas feast that we think you would enjoy. 

We have talked about some ideas for Christmas Feast,  New Year's Eve and the Epiphany holidays (Three Kings Day). So, we wish you would find something exciting to do by yourself (DIY), funny jumpers to keep you warm, to enjoy learning about perfume designers and to share with your relatives and love ones the beautiful home set!. 

PERFUMES: So, let's start with the perfumes and how some vintage bottles have been designed by well known artists & designers:

"Sans Souci" by Elsa Schiaparelli

 "Salut" by Elsa Schiaparelli

  "Shocking" by Elsa Schiaparelli

 "Chapeau Bleu" by Marina Picasso (1994) (Picasso's grand daughter)

  "Chapeau Bleu" by Marina Picasso (1994) (Picasso's grand daughter)

 "Sous Le Gui" by Jean de Parys (bottle designed by Andre Jollivet)

 Paloma Picasso's advertisement  

 Paloma Picasso  

 Nina Ricci by Marc Rosen design

"Votigy" A. Gravier (1913)  
bottle designed by Baccarat Rosen

Salvador Dali's first fragrance for men inspired by Salvador Dali's "Apparition of the Aphrodite of Knidos" painting

"Apparition of the Aphrodite of Knidos" by Salvador Dali (1981)

Salvador Dali's fragrance for women inspired by Salvador Dali's "Apparition of the Aphrodite of Knidos" painting

 Salvador Dali's fragrance for women inspired by Salvador Dali's "Apparition of the Aphrodite of Knidos" painting


DIY HAIRSTYLE for HER: Keep enjoying our FAW: Christmas & New Year's Eve Special with the DIY (Do it yourself) section and be brave to custom your own looks with your own hands :-)






FUNNY unisex CHRISTMAS JUMPERS: Let's see now few ideas to keep you warm wearing funny jumpers and socks:


HOME: Dining Chair Covers: Now is the moment to enter home and to keep yourself comfortable with the following ideas:


HOME: Wall Art 

 "Exotic Apples Wall Art" by Welldone Publishers store

 "Coup & Grape" by Welldone Publishers store

  "Fruits of Passion" Welldone Publishers store

Wall stickers

You can keep browsing our Online Store to get the most affordable Wall Art for your room, office, Restaurant or Hotel:

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